Who gonna save them?

Be part of the solution and help to protect the whales

Lucy Lawless playing Ruby

Ash Vs Evil Dead season 3

copyright STARZ

Lucy Lawless turns 50
Happy Birthday!

Thank you for being who you are, and thanks for the characters you have played. 
Lucy makes the days happier.

all fans

Lucy Lawless and Samantha Barks perform "Class" - CHICAGO the musical at Hollywood Bowl.

Lucy Gets Bare

 Save the Arctic

"The Arctic ice is disappearing fast, and the changes are the most profound to our planet that humans have ever seen. By inspiring influential people in your community to take a stand and voice their support, you can help create an Arctic Sanctuary, and save the top of the world from oil drilling and destructive fishing."

Lucy Lawless wants to bring Xena back

"In my dreams it would be that Renee O'Connor, who played Gabrielle and I, and Ted Raimi, who played Joxer, would come back and basically stick Xena's head back on her and go on a quest," Lawless said. "At the end you introduce this new Warrior Princess, hand it over and let them run with it. So we could put the family back together, give the fans what they want, reinvigorate the brand and hand it on to a new generation."

 "The fans were always devastated that we cut Xena's head off. We thought we were telling a strong storyline and it was hilarious, but it broke their hearts," Lawless told Stuff.

New season of Chicago in New Zealand

Lucy's interview on kiwi TV

Lucy Lawless
Chicago The Musical

Auckland Theatre Company
Auckland, New Zealand

Performance Dates: 01-30 November 2013 (Extended from 24/11 to 30/11)


Lucy Lawless at Xena Convention 2013
Lucy Lawless na Xena Convenção 2013
 The Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel
2500 Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505


Message from Lucy
After hurling ourselves off the rigging of the Tucker Thompson, into the cool clear waters of Matauri, I hitched a ride over to the Rainbow Warrior III.  Very exciting to be back on board with some of the original crew of the RW I, which was bombed by the French Govt in 1985.  The ceremony took place at the resting place of the original ship.  A very moving ceremony hosted by the Greenpeace crew and the Ngati Kura, who put everyone up at the marae.
Looking forward to seeing you all in LA!

Mensagem de Lucy
Depois de atirar-se fora do aparelhamento da Thompson Tucker, nas águas frias claras de Matauri, eu peguei uma carona para o Rainbow Warrior III. Muito emocionante estar de volta a bordo com alguns membros da tripulação original do I RW, que foi bombardeada pelo governo dos franceses em 1985. A cerimónia teve lugar no local de descanso do navio original.  

Uma cerimônia muito comovente organizado pelo Greenpeace e a tripulação Kura Ngati, que colocou todo mundo para cima no marae. 
Ansiosa para ver todos vocês em LA!